

424-429-6634 (424-4BYOODI)


It is our passion and pleasure to quickly deliver high quality made to order products at a great price. You get exactly what you want when you want it.

In the beginning, our quest for the products we aimed to provide led us to search far and wide. Despite going through numerous samples and investing months into this process, we couldn’t find any products whose quality met our standards. The amount of low grade quality, and at times, harmful chemicals was a real eye opener. Moreover, the whole ordeal was time-consuming, with delays in receiving the items.

Surprisingly, we’ve observed a significant number of health, beauty, and personal care items that, despite their branding, are essentially rebranded versions or “private label” products originating from the same high output overseas production lines. The only distinction lies in the packaging and labels applied during the final stages. It’s typical for a product to be manufactured and then take six weeks or more before it’s ready for retail and consumption by consumers.

That is when we decided, a change is needed in the industry. Quality, custom made products from the best ingredients at reasonable prices.

At Byoodi, we put our personal touch in every order.